
Who Am I?

I’m a weekend woodworker. I’ve always been a tinkerer and builder be it scale models, electronics, software, etc. I started this journey as a typical DIY type. I bought some machines and started making stuff. Eventually my research and interest moved into hand tools and I find that the most entertaining and rewarding approach.

Why the Blog?

There’s a couple reasons. First, this will act as sort of a living journal for myself. I enjoy introspection and having the ability to look back and see my progression in the craft is important. This will ultimately document my growth as a craftsman as well as the evolution of my design style and techniques.

Second, I think this evolution could be useful for others to see. When I first started there was a lot of information floating around and it gets difficult to disseminate the useful information from the click bait. What techniques work best? which tools perform best? Which workbench is best? Most times those are only answered when you experience it for yourself. So, I suppose this is my attempt at not necessarily answering those questions, but showing what I have discovered and what works for me and how that might change over time with experience.

Products & Commissions

I generally don’t take commissions or odd jobs because this is mostly just a hobby that allows me to flex my creative muscles. However, on occasion I might take a commission for a custom piece that really interests me. It never hurts to ask.

Also, I don’t keep an inventory of any kind. All pieces I build are single, custom pieces. Most pieces I build are for myself, family, or friends. In the off chance I make something that doesn’t have a home, I will try to sell it when I’m done. Any pieces for sale will be displayed here.

Advertising & Promotion

I do not advertise on this blog. In the event I ever decide to it will be a single, minimal, unobtrusive ad per page to hopefully balance the cost of hosting and maintenance.

I am in no way sponsored by anybody nor do I have any plans to be a part of any affiliate programs. I have no intention of doing any paid product reviews either. All recommendations and information given here about tools or products will be my personal, honest, opinion.